Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What to do with PPC return visits?

For far too long, Google Analytics users have struggled with using PPC for products and services with a longer purchasing process. Chances are, if you're selling an expensive product or service, your PPC campaign probably isn't going to turn into an immediate purchase. This leaves you with an unhappy boss or client when you go to show them your AdWords report and your ROI sucks.

But what other solutions are out there? Well, leave it to the good people at Viget to come up with a very slick way to track your PPC return visits. Check it out here. Ultimately, what you'll need to do is modify the user defined variable and then set up a profile to only track those identified visitors. Then, you'll have a profile that just tracks this traffic, allowing you to better understand which keywords and campaigns are really bringing in qualified traffic, and making your client/boss happy to see that your paid search management skills are directly responsible for revenue. Boom!

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